We understand that our clients are constantly on the lookout for innovative activities that can take place during their private events or brand activations. The photo mosaic wall from Photomaker is an experiential marketing activity that promises to become one of the main talking points at your event. Whether you’re getting married and wish to have all your guests’ photos united in one image portraying the bridal couple, or you’re launching a luxury car or watch and wish to create a sense of tangible unity among your VIPs, the Photomaker Photo Mosaic Wall is certain to turn heads and make people pay attention.
The Photo Mosaic Wall creates digital & physical mosaics from live event photos in real-time. The photos can be automatically fetched from Instagram, Twitter, on-site photo booths or our roaming on-site photographer’s camera.
You are probably familiar with ‘The People’s Monarch’, which is an image of the Queen at her Coronation and at her Diamond Jubilee, made up of thousands of photos of individuals, currently situated at Gatwick Airport.
Photo Mosaic Wall. The People’s Monarch, Gatwick Airport.
The concept of the Photomaker Mosaic Wall is very similar; we shoot photos of your guests live at an event, analyze the image for optimal placement in the final artwork and add an overlay. We build a giant piece of art from multiple sources at the event. Each photo is printed on a self adhesive tile onsite with a unique code, so guests can find exactly where to place their photos on the mosaic.
Tile by tile, the image starts to take shape.
The photo mosaic wall involves everyone at the event – this sense of inclusion ensures that everyone feels like they are all part of the big picture, or part of the brand. From up-close, one can see the individual photos – step back, and let a sense of wonderment overcome you as the mosaic is gradually revealed.
The beauty of the mosaic wall is that it can essentially run via the ‘traditional’ photo booth service you are familiar with, with the exception that your guests’ interaction does not end when they are handed their prints, but goes on beyond the moment their individual tile is attached, right up to the point when the final ‘reveal’ takes place.
Imagine having this at your next product launch!
Since the mosaic works with any kind of image input, this exponentially increases the probability of including everyone in the final mosaic! The mosaic is guaranteed completion by the time the event finishes and the beauty of the process is that one will have the actual mosaic as a memorable token of the event. After the event, Photomaker will also provide an High Definition digital version of the final mosaic in its entirety. This will ensure great content for your social media feed and inevitable engagement from the guests you had at the event and beyond.